Where Luxury Meets Logic

Global Design Solutions

Welcome to Luxe & Logic, where luxury meets the logic in interior design. Luxe & Logic believes that the designs in your life should be made for you and your needs instead of forcing you into a design that did not consider your lifestyle first.

Whether it is starting from the ground up with new construction or creating simple logical solutions with your current setup, Luxe & Logic can help you out.

Luxe & Logic is based in Houston, Texas but works globally to provide interior design solutions for all. Reach out to us today to find the design solutions you’ve been waiting for.

Dina Goloshchapova- Founder & CEO

Dina Goloshchapova- Founder & CEO

Residential Design

Whether it’s a single space remodel or a complete custom build, Luxe & Logic is here to help take the design to the next level. A home should be designed with you in mind in every aspect. Let us hear your needs and convert them to your realities.

Commercial Design

Take your commercial concepts to a new realm with thoughtful and well-planned designs that give your audience a reason to return. Perhaps you would like to update an old historical building to be more accessible and inviting or maybe you want the design perfect from the start. Add Luxe & Logic and you’re ready to go.

Experiential Design

Have you been somewhere that makes you feel something? Experiential Design is just that, a design that creates emotion. Luxe & Logic works to provide a level of Experiential Design in each project we take part in. The design should be made with your lifestyle in mind from the start.